Saturday, August 24, 2019

Next Weapon of Choice by Terrorist Research Paper

Next Weapon of Choice by Terrorist - Research Paper Example Pakistan is a country which possesses nuclear weapons. Moreover, it is a country where some of the infamous terrorist groups took shelter when most of the other countries closed doors for them. The political instability and weak governance of Pakistan is a matter of concern to many people because of the fear that Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal may one day come in the hands of the terrorists. Pakistan’s soft approach towards terrorists is not a secret to the external world. Biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction are another option for the terrorists in the future. The article written by Matusiak and published in has mentioned the possibilities of chemical weapons which may use by the terrorists in future  The author mentioned that the idea of a terror organization using a WMD is to strikes fear directly into its intended target population and to prove that the terror organization weapon of mass destruction is in its possession. More than 90% of the most danger ous facilities transport chemicals by rail. Over 80% of these facilities receive shipments of toxic gas chemicals, which is released can cause medical problems if inhaled (Matusiak, 2009). Low-end chemicals are mostly transported using rail or sea transport. Even though many safety laws and regulations are there for the manufacturing and distribution of low-end chemicals, no such laws are applicable or prevailing while transporting these materials. Rail and sea transport normally may not have much security compared to air transport. We have many recent incidents in which Somalia sea robbers capturing the control of commercial ships passing near the Somalia territory.  Ã‚  

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